
Proven clean and consistent for more than four decades.

Loop Research Plot

Products like Loop are regulated more stringently than any other soil amendment, manure, compost, or fertilizer on the market. Rigorously tested and regularly monitored, Loop is checked for safety and effectiveness by the EPA, the State of Washington, and backed by decades of university research.

The cleaning process when we make Loop kills almost all pathogens (95-99%) and the rest die quickly from exposure to sunlight, heat, and competing soil microorganisms. When Loop is used to make compost, the high heat process kills any remaining pathogens.

Toothpaste, upholstered furniture, and dry-cleaned clothing are just come examples of items you use every single day that contain chemicals or small amounts of heavy metals. While Loop does contain tiny traces of these materials, the risk is far less than daily exposure to common products and materials in your home, office, or car. The metals in Loop fall far below the most stringent regulatory limits. Our annual quality reports are available here.

View from above: Loop biosolids research in action

Taken at research plots managed by Washington State University for more than 25 years, this 16 second video shows canola growth with Loop biosolids at low. medium, and high application rates in comparison to canola grown with commercial fertilizer or a control (no additions). Sometimes the view is even more beautiful than the data.



One pound of swordfish has more mercury than the same amount of Loop.


It would take over 43,000 years of working or playing around Loop to take in an amount that is the equivalent of a single dose of a prescription pharmaceutical.


You would have to eat 8 pick-up trucks, or 4 tons, of potatoes grown with Loop to get the same amount of triclosan you get every day at home.